Welcome! As to your ship, would adding another mount not require it to be enlarged over the OTL three mount hull? I think a 30+m hull plug would be needed? Otherwise I think it will be to narrow at the stern for a fast BB to fit the 4th mount? Thanks :D Regarding the mount, I believe it fits, eye-b...
Welcome aboard, I'll be betting this might be shunted to Beginners whilst there's a drawing here. It's an interesting concept, I think it has good merit, I imagine that the RM would be still looking to incorporate a scout plane unless this was penned for post 1943, the additional turret does make t...
Hello there! I'm new here. I'm an avid History fan, particularly World War 2 and the Italian navy. I am just getting started, and am mainly keeping to the fairly simple Turrets, to try my hand at things, but i hope to improve, hopefully with some help from you all. In the spirit of this, here is my ...