
Sapphire's consolidated designs and drawings
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Author:  Sapphire262 [ May 5th, 2024, 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Sapphire's consolidated designs and drawings

Alright, so, I think it's about time I got rid of the old threads I've been using for my artwork so far, and consolidated all of it in one place. Since there's going to be stuff from multiple AUs and one-off things here, I figure this is the right place. Most of the stuff here will be from my TL34 and United States of Akitsukuni AUs, both of which I'm no longer working on, as I've matured and moved on from the concepts in the former, and the latter was just insane and made no sense, and the concepts it was trying to explore are probably better left for other TLs.

Okay, starting off, here are all the drawings I made for my United States of Akitsukuni AU, in no particular order. I've tried to find the most up-to-date drawings in each case as I could.

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Alright, next up are my TL34 drawings, again in no particular order. Beware that these are much older, so there will be a significant drop in quality associated with that.

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Next are the drawings I have so far for one of my new AUs:

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And finally, some stuff that may or may not be one-offs:

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Author:  sebu [ May 6th, 2024, 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sapphire's consolidated designs and drawings

Wow, this is awesome! Most of us are trying to draw what we possibly can and you are drawing what you want...
I'm glad you're doing spacestuff with such quality; you can be sure I'm going to steal those "Bumper Mark3" and C-180E :)

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