
Spainsh CATOBAR Aircraft Carrier Concept
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Author:  Toxic Loki [ May 25th, 2020, 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Spainsh CATOBAR Aircraft Carrier Concept

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Author:  erik_t [ May 25th, 2020, 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spainsh CATOBAR Aircraft Carrier Concept

The drawing is very attractively rendered!

That said, it seems to suffer from a fatal flaw: a lack of freeboard. Thirteen feet relative to the floor of the hangar, and only six feet relative to the RHIB aft. The ship does not seem survivable in a heavy sea even in an undamaged condition. She might be taking green water into various hull openings even in Sea State 5.

That's not an outright show-stopper, but it's contrary to all aircraft carriers I know about, and I assume their designers know more than I do.

Author:  David Latuch [ July 29th, 2020, 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spainsh CATOBAR Aircraft Carrier Concept

erik_t wrote: *
The drawing is very attractively rendered!

That said, it seems to suffer from a fatal flaw: a lack of freeboard. Thirteen feet relative to the floor of the hangar, and only six feet relative to the RHIB aft. The ship does not seem survivable in a heavy sea even in an undamaged condition. She might be taking green water into various hull openings even in Sea State 5.

That's not an outright show-stopper, but it's contrary to all aircraft carriers I know about, and I assume their designers know more than I do.
Agreed. And the draft should be deeper to counterbalance the above water weight.

Author:  stan hyd [ March 16th, 2021, 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spainsh CATOBAR Aircraft Carrier Concept

Apart from the draft issue, it’s a lovely design that reminds me of the CVV design from the 70’s.

This would be my option to add to the US Navy to increase carrier numbers.

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