
S-400/SA-21 radars query
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Author:  Aster [ March 12th, 2021, 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  S-400/SA-21 radars query

Hi all, long time no see!

I've been wondering what the Admiral Nakhimov now looks like given her colossal upgrade, including from her S-300F SAMs to the S-400. I found this excellent parts sheet of Russian SAMs on Deviantart, but I wondered how many of each of the radars mentioned would it use? I am pretty sure it would have 1 x Tomb Stone and 4 x 5P20 panel sets on the mast, but what about the Furkes? Are they acquisition radars, targeting radars, or what? ... -719553890

Thanks all, stay safe

Author:  Farooqbhai007 [ March 15th, 2021, 9:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: S-400/SA-21 radars query

Furke 4 (5P27) Detection,Tracking & Targeting Radar , Admiral Gorshkov Class has 1 x Furke 4 (5P27)

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