
Self-Propelled Pinecone/Spergscale
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Author:  Kattsun [ October 18th, 2016, 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Self-Propelled Pinecone/Spergscale

ss = spergscale (ty ato)
spp = self-propelled pinecone

they are intrinsically related because spp is literally a shrunk ss so i didnt want to make two threads for what is basically the same sort of scale

ss initially started because i wanted to translate "figurine scale" into something more manageable in terms of shading and able to produce wrinkles (not hyperbole) so i inflated it by 50% to 1 px 1 cm, while simultaneously using Novoren/Risen Britannia's (a very polite person from NS who contributed much to Linc) tank scale (also 1px:1cm) to draw a tank, which eventually merged as i eliminated hard black outlines in a "pretentious experiment" that i think looks much better than the cartoon-y black outlines of typical lineart

spp grew from ss because i wanted to draw large scale equipment lists of units in the same manner as Armoured Acorn, but found teh available crop of silhouettes to be substantially lacking, and silhouettes in general seemed a poor way to go about it, so i eventually just drew vehicles new altogether, either from scratch or by shrinking spergscale soldiers and tanks down to spp

self propelled pinecone: 1px:5cm

Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles: im still debating whether to draw the special parachute trucks but i think the only thing that is different is the suspension which is unnoticeable from distance

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Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck: there are a few missing like PLS and various ISO containers which will be done...eventually

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High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle: lots to be done there will probably be a RST-V type and a HMMWV FAV al a desert storm

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M113: stuff like actual chaparral not AIM-95 chaparral will be drawn, as will Vought M113 MLRS and the M113 stug and ffs there's so many

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Pansarbandvagn 251: there will be a kub and a troposcatter van at least, possibly a S-300V with MIM-55 Typhon LR and a TD with a M901-style hammerhead but CKEMs and automatically loaded like Shturm or Chrysanthemum

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Stridsvagn 151: similar stuff to the above plus a better ARV and a demolition vehicle and an obstacle breacher, may merge it with galla's infantry tank which is just a smashing together of the two major XM1 prototypes

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Type 04 Mechanized Infantry (Dragoon) Battalion: this is basically finished sans some of the trailers need to become gensets

Type 04 Mechanized Infantry (Dragoon) Battalion

Type 2000 Motorized Light Infantry (Fusilier) Company: done

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spergscale 1px:1cm

Principality of Galla: Extremely haughty/arrogant island country off the coast of civilization with the world's 2nd largest fleet by registered ships and most powerful fleet by capability. Speaks Gallan, which was initially a vaguely Romantic conlang (at least it had <noun> <adjective> anyway) and is now just Swedish with the 26-letter English alphabet. Can probably be considered the setting's expy of Great Britain, but it never quite had the influence of the British Empire so it's hardly a candidate for the same level of linguistic monopoly as the Anglosphere enjoys IRL. Locked in an eternal Cold War with the powers of Orthodox Marxism, Liberalism, and Fascism as pushes an agenda of Dirigisme and integralism to unite the world under a single secular government. One where human lives are determined from birth by unseen machinations: an inhuman calculus of numbers and machines that decides the fate of Men before they are aware of their own existence, plans their lives to the finest detail, and ensures the optimally efficient path of survival for the human race into the far future. The fact that Galla is ruled from the shadows by HM Civil Service probably plays a role in this.

Tutorial image:

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Gallan Army Dress Uniform Master:

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Gallan Army Equipment and Accoutrements Master (childsafe):

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Type 11/Type 16 Mechanized Infantry (Dragoon) Dismounted Squad:

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Type 04 Light Infantry (Fusilier) Platoon:

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Type C, D, E, Provost Field, and Summer Dress:

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Pbv 251:

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Strv 151:

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Frisian Empire: Exactly what it says. An empire, which speaks Frisian. Like Galla, it is an Integralist society and views individual rights with a minor disdain, unlike Galla it is a fascist economy, and since it takes cues from Maurras it's pretty backwards and conservative. It is also a benign fascism, lacking the imperialist aims of Hitlerism but still elevating traditional values and society above the individual. It and Galla agree on many things, and disagree on at least twice as many other things. Frisia rides into the 21st century on a wave of inertia and cached human will, pointing its guns to the East, more worried about the imperial ambitions of Liberalism and Marxism which lay far in the Orient. Galla is a near threat, but it is too busy battening down the hatches on what little remains of the Empire to focus on anything that doesn't present an immediate threat.

Frisian Legion Equipment and Accoutrements Master (childsafe):

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Frisian Jager/Dismounted Armored Infantry Section:

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Initial Frisian "Stormtrooper" Camouflage Concept:

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Final Frisian Camouflage Concept:

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Commonwealth of Kampala: A former colony of Galla, granted autonomous internal sovereignty in the 19th century, and full independence in the 1970s following a brief colonial crisis. Nursed by a powerful intellectual clique determined to see the betterment of their fellow citizens against the common enemies of man: malaria, agrarianism, and HIV. Stricken with all the major maladies of a developing economy, Kampala is still economically propped up by the remnant Imperial Government of Galla (now a series of non-profits and government owned corporations) which may or may not be a good thing considering the vast philosophical differences between the average Gallan and the average Kampalan settler. The elites nominally ruling Kampala fully understand that eventually they will need to shake themselves of the Imperial rump state in the future before they are forced to submit to Galla's dehumanizing calculi of eugenics and intellectual determinism, but for now the common foes of Kampala and Galla remain the same.

Kampalan Army Equipment and Accoutrements Master (childsafe):

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Kampalan Infantry Concept:

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Solarian Confederation: Man is dead, long live Man. Through the centuries of conflict and many near disasters, mankind has spread to the stars, as far as Jupiter itself, and ensures its place in history cannot be taken. The calculus has won and humanity is safe from extinction, husbanded by the twin guiding hands of the solar government and Gallan philosophy. The solar economy is run by algorithms processing trillions of variables a billion billion times a second, men are born to labor or to think from birth and engineered for specific tasks to fill the requirements of society and created in vast reproductive factories. Free will does not exist, but then it never did. The illusion of choice offered by the biochemical-psychological complex is more than adequate to deceive the human mind to believing it is free, yet this knowledge doesn't break men, and even thinking that doesn't change the fact that people are healthier, safer, live longer, and have more than at any point in history. And that this will continue, because it is now assured to the end of time. Liberalism's heart was in the right place, as the saying goes, but the calculus of evolution doesn't factor in long-term survival. Leaving that to the whims of the individual is naught more than suicide on a cosmic scale.

Solarian Confederation Equipment and Accoutrements Master (childsafe):

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Infantry of the Royal Army of the Principality of Galla:

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Soldiers of the Solar Army, the unified army of Mankind and the solar government:

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Infantryman of the Corps Contraterrene, the space-based light infantry arm of the Solar Army:

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An officer of the Corps Terrene, the land-based component of the Solar Army, which recruits solely from Venus and Earth:

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Author:  eswube [ October 18th, 2016, 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self-Propelled Pinecone/Spergscale

Nice work. :)
(well, maybe except those not-quite-dressed ladies' figures :lol: )

Author:  Kattsun [ October 19th, 2016, 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self-Propelled Pinecone/Spergscale

Gallan Police Service Equipment and Accoutrements Master (childsafe):

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Triangle Circon Agents:

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Author:  Kattsun [ November 17th, 2016, 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self-Propelled Pinecone/Spergscale

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Author:  Kattsun [ December 22nd, 2016, 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Self-Propelled Pinecone/Spergscale

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Author:  Kattsun [ February 7th, 2017, 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Self-Propelled Pinecone/Spergscale

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The Cybernetic Infantry Ensemble "Kitten" is Galla's "futuristic" electronic battle uniform.

It will never truly replace the old battlefield ensembles, but it will provide the 11th (caveat: the Gallan Army uses senary notation for unit numbers, so this is the 7th in decimal) and 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiments and the 10th Armored Division with a uniform that is suitable for urban combat operations.

The remainder of the Army will be left to absorb whatever trickles down, which will mostly be weapons sights and the various mapping/planning computer systems for regiments, battalions, and companies. The Ak95 (aka G11), the personal role radios, and perhaps the all troop weapon sights will be left at the door of Big Army. I suppose Galla's principal service rifle will be Ak58 (aka M16A1) pretty much until the introduction of man-portable nuclear missiles and rocket rifles in the far, far future.

Shown here, the soldiers equipped with the Kitten system also have fireproof gloves and face masks of lightweight nomex, dyed olive drab. The gloves are slightly conductive which allow soldiers to use capacitive touchscreens. Not shown is that the battle dress uniform has also been made fire resistant to protect soldiers against injurious burns, similar to tank crewman overalls or the IRL USMC Fire Resistant Organizational Gear. In retrospect, had I realized at the time the night optical devices were going to be stowed in the upright position I would have just not drawn them in the first place, but the NODS combined with a bare face looked goofy in my opinion.

Still working on the Spergscale camouflage faces, I hope to be able to eventually achieve a facsimile of this: ... wanie.JPEG

Which is basically an image that sums up the entirety of Galla's army. Perpetually stalled in the 1990s aesthetically with 1980s budgets. The ultimate version of Kitten will have a new helmet that resembles Soldier Integrated Protective Ensemble (SIPE): ... 6/SIPE.jpg but this helmet will be a projection HMD or something super spifflord that lets the soldier see around corners and the ballistic shield will flip up so he can look through his scope or his NODS. It won't have the goofy air conditioner on his back either, but it might have a Camelbak with some cold water alongside the canteens.

Not shown is the Army-wide introduction of low-level TUAV and ESM/REC, although that's technically not a part of the ensemble either but it's more accurate to say that Kitten is part of a greater Army-wide REC modernization that includes expies of the Harris Falcon family to replace SINGCARS, various radio-electronic combat enhancements of maneuver units including modernization of jamming and RDF gear, and introduction of special artillery munitions to assist in fighting the electromagnetic battle.

I'll eventually draw a 2020s Gallan parachute infantry company equipped with 12-ton UGCV weapon carriers, man portable TUAV, man wearable (pic: Ukrainian Barsuk radar) and man transportable MMW (I'm thinking "Longbow on a tripod" tbh) ground surveillance radars, and AN/PSS-7 "Wolfhound" ESM backpacks. Since Galla's Army is more or less inspired by the former Soviet Union, I might also give them towed mortars or pack howitzers with special gun-launched UAV that can perform BDA, anti-radar, or airborne tactical jamming. I haven't decided if I want to keep the pack howitzers or not, because they're very cute but slightly worse than 120mm mortars. My initial thoughts were man-portable jammers like JAMPACK but I was persuaded that this was a dumb idea and tactical jamming shells fired from 120mm mortars or 155mm howitzers are superior.

Also in case it wasn't already obvious, basically all of these images are live images.

Author:  Kattsun [ May 4th, 2017, 4:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Self-Propelled Pinecone/Spergscale

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Author:  eswube [ May 5th, 2017, 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self-Propelled Pinecone/Spergscale

Pretty impressive.

Author:  Kattsun [ May 7th, 2017, 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Self-Propelled Pinecone/Spergscale

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it will grow

Author:  Kattsun [ May 15th, 2017, 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self-Propelled Pinecone/Spergscale

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