
Malaysia: FD Scale Vehicles, Weapons and Systems
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Author:  hudavendigar [ June 29th, 2011, 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Malaysia: FD Scale Vehicles, Weapons and Systems

Here is the first country-specific thread: Malaysia. Attached are the FNSS AVC 300 variants in Malaysian Army inventory.

First row (from left to right): Command vehicle, and signal vehicle (some details maybe missing or wrong for the latter).
Second row (from left to right): IFV with 25 mm Sharpshooter turret, APC with 12.7 mm HMG, APC with 40 mm AGL, and ATV with Pakistani Baktar Shikan ATGM.
Third row (from left to right): 81 mm mortar vehicle in travel configuration, and 81 mm mortar vehicle in firing position.
Fourth row (from left to right): Medical evacuation vehicle, and recovery vehicle. (The latter is sometimes called "fitter vehicle.")


Author:  darthpanda [ June 29th, 2011, 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Malaysia: FD Scale Vehicles, Weapons and Systems

Nice!!!! Malaysia also have this one:
[ img ]

Author:  Rhade [ June 30th, 2011, 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Malaysia: FD Scale Vehicles, Weapons and Systems

PT-91M Pendekar update version of PT-91Z Hardy prototype. ;)

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