Hello there! I'm new here.
I'm an avid History fan, particularly World War 2 and the Italian navy.
I am just getting started, and am mainly keeping to the fairly simple Turrets, to try my hand at things, but i hope to improve, hopefully with some help from you all.
In the spirit of this, here is my first effort;
Much like the US navy asked themselves, "how do we make an better Iowa", I asked myself, "how to make a better Littorio? (or in this case Roma)"
The answer is of course more guns. However, the Littorio is already using virtually all its space, where to put it? Starting with Enrr's Roma I decided to eliminate the Aviation facilities on the stern of the craft and flush the deck up. This provided enough space for another turret, I think. Turret #4 is fairly cramped compared to the other turrets, with the guns of Turret #3 nearly resting on top of it, but I'm fairly sure it has enough space to operate.