
New to the forums
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Author:  CommodoreCrimson [ December 27th, 2023, 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  New to the forums

Hello everyone :mrgreen:

I found out about shipbucket recently from some friends on discord, and was inspired to try making my own drawings. After scrolling through and checking out some of the cool designs, I decided to apply and try my hand at some. So far I've designed and drawn a pistolbucket format battle rifle which I will hopefully be posting soon. I have also been considering taking a crack at some fd scale designs in order to make a Jet Fighter, or maybe some kind of APC of lightly armoured fighting vehicle. In the future I might expand this to a full AU but I'll have to see how much I draw up going forward.

Thanks for reading and have a good one! :)

- CommodoreCrimson

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