
Alt_Naval lost work.
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Author:  MarekGutkowski [ June 17th, 2015, 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Alt_Naval lost work.

Years ago there was a geocities page by a fellow going by the username Alt_Naval. He did create a lot of photoshop images of not finished projects and fictional ships.

Does any of you has any of his works, or batter yet made a shipbucket image of any of them?

for those unfamiliar with his work here is a thread where some of it is show cased: ... s/#topmost

Author:  Krakatoa [ June 17th, 2015, 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alt_Naval lost work.

It is surprising where your stuff turns up. I did this photo(shop) back in about 2003 when I first started my homepage 'Alternate Universes'. On the site above it is listed as "Lion on the inside" but I actually did that as a 9x15" armed KGV. I started doing photoshops back in the late 90's and had 100's that went west when I had a lightning strike that sort of cooked my HDD. Back in those days I could not afford a back-up system like I have today.

[ img ]

Author:  emperor_andreas [ June 18th, 2015, 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alt_Naval lost work.

EPIC stuff! One question: why was there never a pic of Soryu burning? Just curious.

Author:  YagamiCrewman [ September 3rd, 2015, 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alt_Naval lost work.

It wasn't easy finding those. Some like the Montana are simple enough but in several cases I had to use a lot of google reverse image search and google translate to find images on Czech, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Japanese, and Chinese sites. Also searching the Wayback archives. If Alt_Naval wants the pics removed or has other corrections I will do so. I have the utmost respect for Alt_Naval and his work, which is why I wanted to gather it to share amongst like minded individuals.

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