
New website
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Author:  OldSaltCityAce [ August 22nd, 2017, 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  New website

To be honest, I liked the old one much better. The new on is very slow to load, and I can only log in on the forum site.
Just sayin'

Author:  acelanceloet [ August 22nd, 2017, 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New website

The slow loading is an server issue, which will be fixed (as mentioned in the dedicated thread ... 5&start=10)
What are you talking about logging in? On the new web site, you only need to log in to upload works, which uses an different account from the forum. With your forum login, you will thus not be able to log in on the main site. You can access the entire main site without logging in though, you just cannot change anything in the database without an account with the right permissions.

Author:  Colosseum [ August 22nd, 2017, 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New website

I'm sorry you don't like it, but progress is progress and the functionality offered by the new site is miles ahead of the non-searchable directory listing we were using previously. The latency/long load time issues will be resolved shortly (this is an issue with our server host). As for logging in, unless you are submitting work to the site as an approved uploader, there is no need to create an account on - only on the forum itself. They are separate logins because integrating the forum login with the website login would have entailed a lot of extra dev work that we were not willing to pay for.

As we add more features the site will become more usable, and as we upload more work the library will become more and more complete. Once you need to find something and can just search for it (versus having to dig through directories), I think you will change your mind. ;)

Author:  reytuerto [ August 22nd, 2017, 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New website

Hi. For entering in the new SB (I mean, the Discord one) I must make a new registration?

Yes! already done! keep in touch with you, guys!

Author:  RobertWL [ August 23rd, 2017, 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New website

Doesn't seem that slow for me. Looks pretty nice and well put together. But I'm wondering, will the FD Scale drawings be included at some point? With the photobucket charlie foxtrot, that's the only place you can easily access most of those drawings. :/

Author:  Colosseum [ August 23rd, 2017, 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New website

As has been stated several times in various threads, FD Scale support will come when we have received more donations. Accommodating the FD Scale aircraft and vehicles will require a separate "brother" system, since they are organized in a different way than ships.

I have no time estimate on when this will happen, only "in the future". It is entirely dependent on receiving more donations via paypal or backers on Patreon. ;)

Author:  ashebourton [ August 23rd, 2017, 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New website

this is a bit unrelated to this post, but am i the only person who cant see photos hosted by photobucket?

Author:  acelanceloet [ August 23rd, 2017, 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New website

ashebourton wrote: *
this is a bit unrelated to this post, but am i the only person who cant see photos hosted by photobucket?

Author:  RobertWL [ August 24th, 2017, 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New website

Colosseum wrote: *
As has been stated several times in various threads, FD Scale support will come when we have received more donations. Accommodating the FD Scale aircraft and vehicles will require a separate "brother" system, since they are organized in a different way than ships.

I have no time estimate on when this will happen, only "in the future". It is entirely dependent on receiving more donations via paypal or backers on Patreon. ;)
Thank you good Sir, I apparently missed the memo. After seeing all the fallout from the photobucket snafu I was wondering about the FD situation. :roll: :evil:

Author:  Colosseum [ August 24th, 2017, 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New website

Everything on the original Shipbucket site is available here:


This site will remain available for the foreseeable future as an archive, but we will not be updating it any longer.

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