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Post subject: Hi ShipBucket folks!Posted: March 13th, 2019, 9:11 pm
Posts: 3
Joined: April 20th, 2016, 11:56 pm
Hello ShipBucket folks. I’ve been an admirer for a long time. (Well, 5 years. Is that a long time around here?) However, I’ve been only a very intermittent visitor to this great site.

I found ShipBucket while searching for sources on which to found a business intended to stretch my income through my retirement years. I’m a first generation immigrant to the US from the Netherlands (Holland-America Line Maasdam IV, July 7, 1958), have always wanted to commemorate the event in some concrete way, and came to believe that others might want to do the same for their family’s migration history.

So I went off the deep end and designed RelationShips®. This product is built on maps of the historical times of the crossings, the family's origins and destinations, their departure and arrival ports, their route, their ship, all titled, double-matted, framed, glazed, and provided with a plaque of those who made the crossing. Each print is uniquely identified and initialed. (Check out some examples at if you’re interested).

The business model was originally to use available ship art with a royalty structure, since my aim was to offer RelationShips for *any* ship, anytime, anyplace, but was hoping to avoid making lots of ships ahead of time. I’ve set all that up, and I also offer affiliations so people can make commissions on referred sales. My idea for ShipBucket was that some of this talent pool might contribute their work as is, gain some royalty income either for themselves or for ShipBucket, maybe sell a couple of instances of the product, and end up as contributing artists of the *vector* representations of the passenger ships I’ll need.

Well, that hasn’t actually worked out too well. I’m now trying instead (again, actually) to get some vector drawings of ships made through I would invite anyone interested in earning some coffee money++ for this kind of activity to get onto the freelancer website and look up “side-top-front view ship drawings” - or just contact me directly through the below contact info.

In the meantime, I’ll try to put a couple of new drawings on the site as well (yes, most likely including the MS Maasdam:). I hope they pass muster.
Hendrik J. Antonisse, founder & CEO
7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Ste 400W
Bethesda, MD 20814-3224
(301) 332-8630

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Post subject: Re: Hi ShipBucket folks!Posted: March 13th, 2019, 10:55 pm
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Posts: 4126
Joined: July 27th, 2010, 5:25 am
Location: Vrijstaat
Welcome aboard and we do hope to see some drawings from you.
I had a little look at your site, and what caught my eye was one of my own drawings (the Laconia of 1911), which was flipped around, was out of the template and worse still no credits. As a member of this forum you should at least read the site's guide lines regarding art work of other members.

[ img ] Thank you Kim for the crest

"Never fear to try on something new. Remember that the Titanic was built by professionals, and the Ark by an amateur"

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Post subject: Re: Hi ShipBucket folks!Posted: March 14th, 2019, 12:12 am
Posts: 5218
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Location: Austin, TX
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jima - as we have discussed through many private messages, our work is not to be used commercially (as the license dictates) -- and especially not if you remove credits from the drawing as Novice is mentioning! Please remove the offending work at once and confirm back here when you have complied. Thx.

USN components, camouflage colors, & reference links (World War II only)

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Post subject: Re: Hi ShipBucket folks!Posted: March 14th, 2019, 12:12 pm
Posts: 3
Joined: April 20th, 2016, 11:56 pm
Ay! Sorry! I have acknowledgement lines for all my display images but see now that the Gallery display image of your Laconia has the wrong acknowledgement, and that I didn't add the lines in some of the images when they are shown as choices. Just stretched a bit too thin. Will replace all ShipBucket beauties with other material (and make sure all acknowledgements appear elsewhere).

Nonetheless, I'd sure like some friendly engagement in getting this ocean crossing project off the ground. Is this basic project not ok from this org's POV?

Anyway, turning attention to scrubbing site of ShipBucket. (Sigh)

(BTW - ship flipped since it's on an East-West route. Display mods like that were in-bounds of the license under which I pulled this image a couple of years ago, right?)

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Post subject: Re: Hi ShipBucket folks!Posted: March 14th, 2019, 1:07 pm
Posts: 5218
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Location: Austin, TX
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jima wrote: *
Ay! Sorry! I have acknowledgement lines for all my display images but see now that the Gallery display image of your Laconia has the wrong acknowledgement, and that I didn't add the lines in some of the images when they are shown as choices. Just stretched a bit too thin. Will replace all ShipBucket beauties with other material (and make sure all acknowledgements appear elsewhere).

Nonetheless, I'd sure like some friendly engagement in getting this ocean crossing project off the ground. Is this basic project not ok from this org's POV?

Anyway, turning attention to scrubbing site of ShipBucket. (Sigh)

(BTW - ship flipped since it's on an East-West route. Display mods like that were in-bounds of the license under which I pulled this image a couple of years ago, right?)
Thanks. We have no issue with your project itself, but using our work without crediting (especially if the original artist objects) is not allowed. This has always been the case.
(BTW - ship flipped since it's on an East-West route. Display mods like that were in-bounds of the license under which I pulled this image a couple of years ago, right?)
"Display mods" like flipping the drawing aren't disallowed even today, but removing the credits from the drawing has never been allowed under any circumstance.

Ultimately, the work belongs to Novice and not to you - you must clear any changes/alterations with him before use. And commercial use of any Shipbucket work is not allowed, as we have stated many times to you!

Please understand that our site is not a repository of free ship art for use in projects. If you are looking for art to use commercially, contact professional artists.

USN components, camouflage colors, & reference links (World War II only)

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Post subject: Re: Hi ShipBucket folks!Posted: March 29th, 2019, 4:17 pm
Posts: 3
Joined: April 20th, 2016, 11:56 pm
Just wanted to follow up before this gets too far away...
>> removing credits from the drawing has *never* been allowed in any circumstance.

I'm trying to make sure I *always* list credits - there should always be a credit at the lower left of any jimaworks RelationShips display. But since you were questioning this I went back and checked all my examples, etc, and realized that I had a couple of mistaken (but not missing) credits. Thank you for leading me to those. (Any errors like that are of course completely my fault - but I'm trying to work out a more failsafe automation of this. Henceforth my faults will either largely disappear... or horribly multiply. I'm rooting hard for the former)

>> the work belongs to Novice and not you - you must clear any changes/alterations with him before use.

I have certainly never staked claim to Shipbucket's or anyone else's work as my own, I hope you realize. It didn't occur to me that flipping the profile drawing of a symmetric object while maintaining all structure, color, and detailed representations therein, would actually be considered beyond the adaptation needed for a new display setting of that same work.

>> And commercial use of any Shipbucket work is not allowed, as we have stated many times to you!

Well, you changed your license on me, and who knew about that? So I've asked many times, why'd you do that and wouldn't it be better to change back... oh, wait, I didn't actually ask that so many times. Similarly, you have not had to state so many times that commercial use is not allowed, just enough times to respond to the stuff I was asking ;)

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