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Post subject: RAN Updated Parts used on Perth ClassPosted: October 5th, 2021, 1:59 am
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Ace raised few points on my Perth Class drawing, including asking about the redrawn parts I used in completing it. So here they are. I'll also be posting them to the Discord should you go looking there. All should be accurate to size and detail, at least more so than the existing parts they replace. The Ikara launcher especially I think is markedly improved in shape, detail and size compared to the old part. If you are wondering why I have only used two lines for the 5 inch barrel on the MK42 mount, that is simply because personally I feel with darker colours three lines are visually far two heavy. If using a lighter colour barrel however, use the traditional 3px width. As I inevitably work my way through redrawing RAN ships, any parts I update and redraw I will add to the sheet. Also, keep in mind I have yet to draw the other side of the SPG-51 yet, so for the time being it is only rearward facing, though I'll hopefully rectify that before too long. I hope these parts help, and if you feel I got anything wrong absolutely feel free to bring that up

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Post subject: Re: RAN Updated Parts used on Perth ClassPosted: October 8th, 2021, 2:20 pm
Posts: 7233
Joined: July 31st, 2010, 10:07 am
Nice work on the updated Ikara launcher, I will add it to the RN missile parts sheet.

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Post subject: Re: RAN Updated Parts used on Perth ClassPosted: July 28th, 2022, 12:50 am
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These have heaps of details - well done mate. I might have to use them in the decommissioned ships section of my AU.

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Post subject: Re: RAN Updated Parts used on Perth ClassPosted: July 28th, 2022, 1:16 am
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I'm not going to argue about the barrel, but I think it should be a bit thicker further in toward the turret.

But I think the turret looks better then that version I did back then. I think I did the copula a little to big, by trying to get a better shape. no one noticed (classic)

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