well, if you go for sampson you should use ASTER, as it is designed to work with that. fact is, if you equip an expensive system like SAMPSON, and ship an huge amount of VLS, you most likely would carry at least some mid/long range air defence. I personally don't believe in ships build for one role only, they always have one role in which they are very good, and one they can do but not at top level. right now, you have an very expensive anti-ship and land attack platform, perfectly suitable for AAW work, but not with the missiles needed for that. also, I read back a bit: if you look at real ships, you will see the goalkeeper on top of the hangar. in those cases, the reload room is above the hangar, next to the hangar, or between an double hangar.
also, I made an ship with an similar role, that should work in reality..... if you wanna take a look:
http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/ ... 4f1p95.png